Celebrating Differences

31 January 2024

Today, our Reception staff have been focusing on supporting the children's personal, emotional and social skills. This activity follows our feelings box session yesterday, where we looked at a focussed emotions story and then had conversations about how we felt and why.

We were also looking at the family photos albums within the room and discussing how the Mummies and Daddies look different. We used the mirrors to look at ourselves, discussed our similarities and differences and then drew a self portrait. We also held a show and tell session, where we talked about our favourite foods, decided if they were healthy or unhealthy and categorised the foods into groups.

Show and tell is a great way to support the children's listening skills and allows them to ask questions, supporting their ability to have a conversation with friends. By offering activities like this, the Reception team are supporting the children's understanding of seeing themselves as a valuable individual, encouraging the children to listen to each other and respect when others are talking, and understand and celebrate each others differences.

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